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Fingerprint Sensor Corp The best fingerprint sensor in the world, we are growing raiply. We like you to join with us, high pay and prompt opportunity
MET Laboratories was founded by Leonard Frier as Maryland Electrical Testing in 1959. As the customer base quickly expanded beyond Maryland, the name was changed to MET Electrical Testing Company. Originally, the company focused on testing high voltage electrical transmission and distribution systems. In the 1970’s, MET was among the first laboratories to perform EMI and telecommunications testing to the emerging FCC regulations. In 1988, MET became the first Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) in the United States for testing and certifying products to UL safety standards In 1992, MET changed its focus exclusively to testing and certification of electrical products - whether in the laboratory or at customer locations. Consequently, the name changed to the present MET Laboratories. Also in 1992, the MET test report became accepted in 30 countries through the IECEE Certified Body (CB) Scheme MET has been a pioneer in testing and certification services and continues to be in the forefront of the electrical standards industry.
Sorana International is a trading company major intrading between Northern Europe and Taiwan. Sorana internatinal still under developing and therefore very good future possibility to be involved in the companys developments.
三固公司成立於西元一九八五年,前身為永固鋁門窗,初期以製造鋁門窗為主要業,近年來在全體員工共同努力下,不斷的改良產品,精益求精,並以人性為出發點,引進技術,開發新產品,包含木紋彩繪門系列、室外活動百葉窗、鋁合金安全門窗、優固鋁合金氣密格子窗……等優良產品,多年來深受社會大眾廣大消費者的喜愛不勝感激,本公司將秉持在鋁門窗將近二十年的經驗開發更多的產品以滿足社會各階層的需求,並以五化為最高目標: 1、產品要多元化(the product must multiply) 2、顏色要多變化(the colors to change) 3、品質要高級化(the qualities to high scale) 4、價格要大眾化(the prices to be popular) 5、服務要全面化(the services to want comprehensively)
當今消費性市場競爭激烈,商品除了本身優異的條件外,更需要精美的印刷包裝,藉以吸引廣大消費者的注意力,增加銷售量。三達印刷特別針對此方面,以專業的印刷技術,為客戶提供最精美的包裝意見。 從設計構思、印刷、加工以至配送,總能讓客戶享有一貫作業之安心服務。 "Print To Be Different"是三達的座右銘,就是與一般傳統印刷業者不相同,三達擁有先進印刷技術,除了能在紙張印刷之外,更跨越至塑膠材質如PVC、PP、PET、PC、PS、合成紙,以及金、銀、鐳射鋁箔紙等,務求能提供更多元化的包裝設計方案。 三達常常本著「因為專注,才能取得優勢以及客戶的信賴」之精神,積極在各項技術研發及品質要求投入最大心力,以期盼達到長期經營之目標。三達印刷歡迎國內外客戶隨時查詢,本公司將有經驗豐富的人員,以最誠懇的態度,提供最專業的服務。
Unex Technology Corporation was found in Dec. 1997 by leading experts in wi-fi industries to be the bridge in integration of leading edge wireless technologies and industrial/commercial innovations. Unex’s registered capital is NT$ 300 millions and currently provides integrated technology service of WiFi Module / Client, WiFi Access Point / Router, and Antenna to ASD (application specific device) manufacturers, telecom operators, and OEM/ODM customers with expertise second to none. For more details, please visit our web site at http://www.unex.com.tw/company/background
Axel Language Center has been educating children since 1993. We are a group of professional English teachers full of patience and energy. We provide our students with the best environment and highest quality resources for learning English. If you are also interested in teaching children, we welcome you to join us! 亞瑟英語補習班創立於1993年. 我們是一個專業的英語學習中心, 希望能為孩子們提供一個專業但充滿歡樂的英語學習環境. 如果您跟我們一樣對英語教學充滿熱忱, 歡迎加入我們的行列.
Optimal Test’s new generation of Test Management Solutions (TMS) gives you unprecedented improvements in Yield, Test Time Reduction, Reliability, Quality and Productivity based on our: * Innovative advanced adaptive testing methodology * Patented reference die technology * Data Feed Forward/Data Feed Backward capability * Centralized, engineering-oriented database designed for rapid data retrieval * Unparalleled data integrity and actionable data throughout the IC lifecycle * Unique open test-rule generator * Open IT infrastructure and seamless connectivity * Real-time automation and control High performance test management at low cost of test allows you to adapt and correct your test processes in real time and continuously improve and evolve products, processes, and operations to compete more effectively.
We make it possible for our Asia customers to be successful by providing our valuable experience and knowledge. We focus on economic and reliable solution via our strong experience to create a win-win situation for our customers. We differentiate with our competitor by integration capability; with this, we forward becoming 1st tier service company.
何嘉仁國際文教機構成立於1983年,27年來全心投入教育及文化工作,稟持「誠正、踏實、創新」的理念,堅持提供優質的教學與服務。在各界的肯定與支持下,企業得以穩定的成長。除了台灣各縣市的教育服務據點及書店門市外,2004年也於新加坡成立第一個海外據點,除提供當地幼稚園及國小學生優質學前和語言教育外,更規劃專業完善的冬夏令營遊學團服務,是亞洲地區孩子跨向世界最佳的前哨站。2008年年底前更將於加拿大、澳洲及上海成立辦事處,期許讓何嘉仁的教育服務觸角可以向國際延伸。然而「人」是一切服務之本,唯有優質的團隊才能提供優質的服務,是故創造所有學生及工作夥伴最高的學習及工作成就,是機構的期許與目標,完整的訓練計劃則是我們一貫的堅持。目前機構共計有近3000位員工,另有近600位來自美國、加拿大、澳洲、紐西蘭---等國家的外籍教師夥伴加入我們的行列,期望凝聚跨國界的力量,帶領全亞洲的孩子自信走向世界!Daring to Dream!!誠摯邀請您的加入! Hess Educational Organization was founded in 1983. In the past 25 years, we have dedicated ourselves in pursuing excellence in the areas of education and cultural awareness. Through the hard work, dedication and creativity of our international workforce, we have steadily grown each year, including the establishment of our first international school in Singapore. We provide an excellent learning environment for both our students and team members, ensuring that each individual reaches his or her highest learning potential and acquires a sense of accomplishment. As a result, employee training is regarded as one of our most important and biggest investments. We currently employ nearly 3,000 employees, including 600 from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Our diverse international workforce allows us to provide a wealth of experience, culture and different perspectives that we can pass on to our students. We welcome you to join our excellent team.
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